LOTR Trilogy
Matrix (1)
Saving Silverman
LOTR Trilogy
Matrix (1)
Saving Silverman
dna study finds chihuahuas aren't dogs
as part of an ambitious effort to identify genes that cause disease in dogs and humans, scientists at the fred hutchinson cancer research center in seattle analyzed dna collected from 414 dogs representing 85 breeds, including some of the most popular.
hehe. yeah it is a fake, but still funny. the last line of the article gives it away, no real news article would include this -
"Oh, heavens, if they make it official that Chihuahuas aren't dogs, it would make my day," said Miami condominium owner Frances LaCroix. "I would finally have grounds to make Elsie Tabernathy get rid of her wretched little yapping pack of ? rodents, did you say they were? Oh, that would be marvelous."
dna study finds chihuahuas aren't dogs
as part of an ambitious effort to identify genes that cause disease in dogs and humans, scientists at the fred hutchinson cancer research center in seattle analyzed dna collected from 414 dogs representing 85 breeds, including some of the most popular.
heh. I have always called chihuahuas rats, maybe the hardware store will start selling chihuahua traps.
So does taco bell need a new mascot now? Mmmmm our food is so good, rats love it!
the islamic religious extremists are destroying their people.
just as the christian right in the u.s. is more interested in it's own needs and wants than that of the country itself.
so too the islamic extremists want what they want regardless of the consequences to their country or their people.. ironically, osama the ultimate islamic extremist decided to attack the u.s. at just the moment when a christian right extremist was in power.. if christ's man gets elected maybe christ will decide to strike another country in the middle east and if osama survives maybe allah will decide to attack the u.s. again.
It doesn't matter whether they are fundamentalist jew, christian, or muslim. If someone believes their religion is the only possible way to serve god and all others are deserving of death, then they are a fundamentalist kook. One of biggest problems is tolerance. As the planet shrinks most religions are teaching more tolerance, the fundies are teaching NO tolerance.
The only comforting thought is that all these kooks hate each oher and want to kill eachother. I say let them. They maybe the rest of us can be left in peace.
i was just reading a moving post by flower, that inspired this thread.
but i admit i am lonely for the comfort that a group of people called 'family' brings.
i used to have a family.
2 Parent(s)
1 Sister(s)
2 Aunt(s)
2 Uncle(s)
11 Cousin(s)
I am glad that you enjoy your beliefs and feel strongly about, it was not my intent to offend you. To a certain crowd I am sure this entire site is offensive. Often we cannot control who is offended or what others find funny, that, IMO, is one of the beautiful things about humor. It was posted in "jokes" because I thought some people here would find it funny.
Heya Az,
Well, you won't get too many people in california saying how sucky it is out here. We love this place and would not live anywhere else. Most people here are from someplace else as well. I have some friends from Detroit who live out here and they are redwings fans, but also sharks fans Anyway, we can work on your love for california hockey later.
So it sounds like getting a job is a first step. You are probably familiar with the general industries in cali but I will sum up what I know. If you are in technology or biotech, the bay area is the best place to be in the world. In you are in movies, music, acting or porn then LA is the best place in the world to be. Others will probably add more.
This site is a realy great resource for finding jobs, places to live and/or roomates. It is sparse on design, but more than makes up for it in great content. A true gem from the bay that has spread to all over now. It should give you an idea of what jobs are available and what to pay for rent.
i loved it !!!
it was just as good, if not better than the orginal.
lmao .
Saw it yesterday and loved it. Hard to decide for me which was better, this one or the first. Very very funny. Go see it now!!
Sorry to hear that.